The Asclepiad Exhibition


Araujia - Asclepias - Aspidoglossum
Brachystelma b-d
Brachystelma f-n
Brachystelma n-r
Brachystelma s-v
Caralluma a-f
Caralluma f-p (inc. Frerea indica)
Caralluma s-t
Ceropegia a - c
Ceropegia d - l
Ceropegia l - p
Ceropegia r - s
Ceropegia s - v
Cibirhiza - Cynanchum - Dischidia
Duvalia a - g
Duvalia i -p
Duvalia s-v / Duvaliandra
Echidnopsis a-f
Echidnopsis l-o
Echidnopsis r-w/Fockea
Huernia a - b
Huernia c - g
Huernia g - h
Huernia i - k
Huernia  l
Huernia m-o
Huernia o-p
Huernia q - s
Huernia s - t
Huernia t - w
Huernia z
Huernia [unidentified species]
Huernia [unidentified cont'd.]
Huernia [hybrids] - Huerniopsis
Kanahia - Larryleachia c-m
Larryleachia p-s
Matelea - Microloma -Ophionella
Orbea a - c
Orbea d-g
Orbea h - l
Orbea m - s
Orbea s - u
Orbea  v
Orbea v - w
Orbeanthus - Oxypetalum - Pectinaria
Pergularia - Periploca - Philibertia
Piaranthus c - f
Piaranthus g - s
Pseudolithos a - h
Pseudolithos m - Quaqua
Rhytidocaulon a - m
Rhytidocaulon p-s / Richtersveldia
Sarcostemma - Schlechterella
Stapelia a - e
Stapelia f - g
Stapelia h - l
Stapelia m - s
Stapelia s-v & Cultivars
Stathmostelma- Stephanotis
Stomatostemma - Tavaresia - Tridentia


The plants featured in this Exhibition have all at one time or an other been grown and flowered in my collection at Shooters Hill in South East London, England.  Over the years sadly not all of them survived, as I am sure all those of you who have a love of these plants will understand.  

The nomenclature used is, wherever possible, based on that published by Focke Albers & Ulrich Meve, in the Asclepiadaceae volume of the Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, published October 2002.  

To the best of my knowledge the pictures are correctly named with regard to Genera and Species, however I have no training in either Botany nor Taxonomy and am well aware that mistakes can be made. I am also aware that others may have contrary opinions, especially in view of more recently published works.

The pictures were taken using a Sigma 300 SLR Camera, with the resulting slides converted using a Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart S20 Scanner, in association with 'JASC Paintshop Pro' software, or more latterly, with an Olympus C-5500 Digital Camera .

Click on the small thumbnails in each gallery to bring up a larger picture.  You are welcome to use the pictures from this site, but should you choose to do so please have the courtesy to acknowledge the fact by not removing my name from them.

Clicking on the species name will open up a 'notes' page. The first item on the first 'notes' page for each genus gives a brief overview and general cultural notes where appropriate.

*Please note that I have been advised that some Web Browsers find the pictures rather dark.  It may be necessary to adjust the Contrast/Brightness of your monitor.

Finally I should point out that I am an enthusiastic hobbyist collector and grower, not a professional nurseryman and do not offer plants for sale.

This site was designed and produced by Chris Moore, in Shooters Hill, South East London, England

Updated 27th May 2009

Sadly Chris Moore died of Motor Nerone Disease in May 2009. Here is the eulogy delivered by a friend Alan at his cremation ceremony
This website will remain on-line as a tribute to him.

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