Ceropegia LinnéFor an overview of the Genus go to Ceropegia a-d Ceropegia radicans ssp radicans From the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa this robust, long lived and easily cultivated species has creeping stems which readily root at the nodes. The stems bear thick fleshy leaves and large showy flowers throughout the growing season. In winter they benefit from a little water to prevent the succulent perennial stem Also in the C.linearis 'complex', this clone of Ceropegia rendallii is without doubt the most floriferous Ceropegia in my collection, it will happily flower all year round providing that weather conditions allow for a little water to be given in winter. Originally discovered by a Doctor Rendall of Transvaal who sent the tubers to Kew in 1894, the species also occurs in the KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Provinces of South Africa and in Zimbabwe. Ceropegia rendallii hybridises with Ceropegia africana ssp barklyi, which is also in the C.linearis complex to produce the hybrid 'Pinoccio'. This is a man made hybrid as the two species have totally different distribution localities, C. africana ssp. barklyi being found only in the Eastern Cape Province. This species with flowers which curve over at the apex and are barely over a centimetre in length, including there free lobes comes from Zaire and Tanzania. The plant shown ES0338 was collected in the Iringa Province of Tanzania. An isolated stem succulent from Yemen, its nearest relative is C. aristolochiodes from Arabia and Sudan. From fleshy, narrowly fusiform clustered roots, the robust climbing or twining stems bear thick fleshy leaves and the large showy flowers. Clone 2 pictured here was originally grown from seed as Ceropegia monteiroae but this is now considered to be a form of C. sandersonii. Ceropegia sandersonii readily forms some very showy hybrids two of which, are pictured here; Ceropegia sandersonii x Ceropegia radicans, and hybrid 'Mars'. Discovered in southern Madagascar by Werner Rauh, this stem succulent dimorphic Ceropegia has a small tuberous root bearing a creeping decumbent, compressed stem up to 1cm in thickness which elongates into a thin twining flowering stem bearing the spectacular flowers. Ceropegia species nova [Marble Quarry] This species as yet un-named appears to have all the characteristics of the C.linearis 'complex' Ceropegia species Iringa Prov. The plant pictured was original purchased as Ceropegia aff. papillata var cordiloba from Iringa Province, Tanzania, which has recently been sunk into Ceropegia papillata. However whilst the locality falls within the distribution of Ceropegia papillata the spectacular flowers appear to me to differ so much from the description of C.papillata flowers and from those grown from seed that I prefer to reserve judgment and simply list this as Ceropegia species.