For an overview of the species go to Notes Stapelia a-g Stapelia immelmaniaeThis plant from the Western Cape Province forms part of the S. scitula / S. montana complex and is closely related to S. glanduliflora Stapelia kwebensisAs can be seen from the plants pictured here this is a vary variable species regarding flower colouration and size. The latter ranges from 1.5- 4.5cm in diameter. The distribution of the species which is closely related to S. longipedicellata, S. parvula and S. similis, is widespread through Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and the Northern [recently renamed Limpopo Province] and North-West Provinces of South Africa From the western South African provinces of Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, and Swaziland is easily recognised by its large deeply campanulate purple flowers. The plant pictured here is probably a cultivar hybrid of S. leendertziae and S. gettliffei. Found only in Namibia this species forms a closely related group with S. kwebensis, S. parvula and S. similis. Stapelia longipedicellata x Stapelia kougabergensis Undoubtedly a man made hybrid as S. longipedicellata is found in Namibia in the West, whilst S. kougabergensis is from the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Stapelia macowanii var. conformis This small clump forming species can be found only in the Eastern Cape Province. Part of the Stapelia hirsuta complex and closely related to both Stapelia tsomoensis and Stapelia glabricaulis this species is only to be found in the Steytlerville District of the Eastern Cape Province Found in Namibia and the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, this species has upright attractively marked grey-green stems with longitudinal grooves. Found only in Namibia this species resembles and is closely related to Stapelia olivacea. The plant shown was grown from IAS1473 seed of a Philip Alp Collection PRA372S. PVB3552 is from the northern end of Great Karas Mountains, Namibia Stapelia pillansii var. pillansii Found only in the Western Cape Province of South Africa this species is closely related to S. schinzii. The plant shown is PVB3644 from NE of Ladismith. From the Eastern Cape Province this species is closely related to S. baylissii - see note under this species Found only in the Koakoland area of northern Namibia, this species is recognisable by its deeply revolute corolla lobes with their densely hairy margins. From the Northern and Western Provinces of South Africa, this relatively small flowered species is related to S. arenosa and S. rubiginosa. Stapelia schinzii var. angolensis As the name suggests found in southern Angola and also in Namibia, this species differs from v. schinzii in having creeping smaller stems and much smaller flowers. Stapelia schinzii var. schinzii With its strongly growing stems and the green sheen and purple vibratile hairs on the margins of its pungently smelly flowers, this is undoubtedly my favourite Stapelia species. It can be found both in Namibia and Botswana. From the Western Cape Province, this relatively miniature species is closely related to Stapelia immelmaniae . Found in Namibia and the Northern Cape Province this species forms a closely related group with S. longipedicellata S. parvula and S. similis. The plant pictured is from the Sperrgebeit, in Namibia Stapelia tsomoensisWith its densely hairy corolla this species from the Eastern Cape Province belongs to the S. hirsuta complex and is closely related to S. glabricaulis, S.obducta and S. peglerae. Closely related to S. gigantea this species is found down the southeast of Africa in KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland and Mozambique. The plant shown is PVB4457 from near Josini Dam, KZN. This small clump forming species is found only in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The plant shown PVB5127 is from Tuinskloof, Prince Albert. Stapelia 'incomparabilis', Stapelia 'maculosa' & Stapelia 'trifida'These are all hybrid cultivars of Stapelia and Tromotriche species, although which particular species are unknown to me.